Jane Farrall Consulting

JF Consulting Logo smallJane is a speech pathologist and special educator passionate about literacy, Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) and Assistive Technology.

With over 20 years of experience in the disability and assistive technology field, she has lots of practical experience working with people with a range of abilities. She also has extensive practical experience in both Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) and in teaching children and adults with disabilities to acquire literacy. Jane has worked as a school and adult service based therapist and literacy teacher. She has also worked as an assistive technology specialist at both ComTEC and at Spectronics and is currently working as an independent consultant in literacy, AAC and Assistive Technology.

Jane has completed a Masters in Special Education focusing on literacy acquisition in children and adults without speech. She is a former Chairperson of AGOSCI (Australian Group on Severe Communication Impairment) and is the founder and organiser of the Big Mouth Camp, a camp for school-aged students using speech generating devices and their families.
