Parent / Carer Information

Throughout the following process you will be supported by a member of the Department for Education Support Services Team. If your child has been recommended for a special school option it may be appropriate to organise a visit to The…
Monday, Wednesday, Thursdays & Fridays     School Day 8.30am  - 3.00pm  Session 1 8.45am - 10.30am Recess 10.30am - 11.00am Session 2 11.00am - 1.00pm Lunch 1.00pm - 1.30pm Session 3 1.30pm - 3.00pm and 1.30pm - 2.15pm every…
School colour/uniform code is navy blue and burgundy. All students are expected to  wear these school colours. Polo shirts and hooded windcheaters are available from Sports Centre, 142 Port Road, Hindmarsh.   PURPOSE All students wear full school uniform. It…
Attendance  All enrolled students are expected to attend school full-time, from 8.45am to 3.00pm, in accordance with the Education Act. Any change in attendance needs to be negotiated with the Principal.   Student Absence If your child is unable to…
The Grove Education Centre fees are set in line with the South Australian Government School Card scheme.   Please contact the school for further information or to pay fees. Please visit for School Card information and application criteria.
At The Grove we believe that providing our community with a range of options for the exchange of information, insights and concerns, helps us design and deliver the best possible learning experiences for our students. Here is the list of…
        For further Information please contact the school - click here. Application for Transport Assistance - click here Application for a Temporary Change to Existing Transport Arrangements - click here  
If you have a concern or complaint please contact the school to discuss the matter.Please click here for information about the Department for Education Parent Guide to raising a concern or complaint.   Click here for a link to the…
Currently Governing Council meets twice per term on Wednesdays - Week 3 and Week 8 - 6.30pm - 8.00pm. Members of Governing Council are elected each year at the Annual General Meeting, usually held in February. Governing Council meetings are…
This group is convened by parents for parents, meeting fortnightly. This group gather for informal coffee mornings, listen to guest speakers, fundraising initiatives, hold workshops etc. - whatever parent/caregivers want. All parent/caregivers are invited to attend. Please contact the school…
The Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum (KS:CPC) is a child safety program for children and young people from age 3 to year 12. It teaches children to: •recognise abuse and tell a trusted adult about it •understand what is appropriate…
Swimming for Leslie House students occurs every Thursday from week 2, term 1.  Information regarding health care plans and consent forms will be sent out in term 1, week 1. Please pack the following items- swimming bag bathers towel continence…